Regain control of your time and achieve your goals

18 July, 2023
Regain control of your time and achieve your goals

Do you feel like you’re in control of your agenda and how you spend your time?  

Or do you catch yourself at the end of the day saying how busy you were, yet you are questioning what you accomplished?

Are you in need of more structure to help you accomplish your goals and feel more fulfilled?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an organized approach to how you manage your time so that when Monday rolls around you can hit the ground running?

I decided to write about this and share it with you because, in the last few weeks, I’ve let my routine be a little less rigid which has certainly impacted me and not in a good way.  

Usually, I end my week with a plan for the following week which helps me to be clear about the direction I’m headed in and what I need to focus on.  I had decided to be a bit loose with my schedule recently because there was a lot going on but I quickly realized, I crave the structure I’m used to.  

Going with the flow and plowing through the days on autopilot is not for me, and if you feel the same way, here are some tips that I’ve learned to help me feel grounded and focused.  Not only do these tips help me feel more in control, they help me ensure I’m achieving my personal and professional goals and doing what matters most, and I hope they can work for you too.

Plan your week 

Pick a day that works best for you to plan out your week.  I like to do this on Friday afternoons so I start my weekend with a clear head and know that when Monday rolls around, I know exactly where to put my energy and focus.  

Put everything you want to accomplish on your calendar.  Because if it’s not scheduled, it will likely not get done.  

Then ask yourself how your calendar aligns with your personal and professional goals and whether your plan for the week is realistic.  You want to set yourself up for success and this means you need to consider everything that is happening in the world around you.  In my case, I knew in the last few weeks there was just so much going on that I had to manage my expectations of what I could accomplish during that time.  

Manage your time

Do your most important work first.  Use the 80/20 rule; what is the 20% that is going to have the biggest impact and will move the needle to get you closer to reaching your goals.

If you don’t start the day tackling your priorities first, you will likely be victim to everyone else’s agenda and goals?

Remember that being busy does not equal being productive.  When you have a clear plan to get the things that matter most completed, this is when you’ll be more productive which leads to a feeling of fulfillment.

Leverage the time in your day when you are most productive and protect that time block in your calendar.  Some people are most creative in the mornings, therefore, their most important work would benefit from getting done during that period.  Decide what works best for you and protect those time blocks for yourself.

Don’t head straight to email to check your inbox first thing in the morning.  I was guilty of this for many years and then I realized that by doing this I became victim to everyone else’s agendas.  Instead, knowing that mornings are when I am most productive, I do my important work first and once my tasks are completed, I move on with the rest of my day.  Remember, if something is urgent in your email inbox and you haven’t yet responded, you’ll probably get a phone call.

When you have a plan for your own professional and personal goals, it helps ensure you don’t go through your day on autopilot catering to everyone else’s agendas and I can guarantee that this feels far more rewarding.

Have an end-of-day check-in with yourself

At the end of each day, take some time to reflect on how the day went and how you spent your time.  

Ask yourself if you’re on track with what you set out to do.

If you’re on track with your goals for the day, acknowledge yourself for completing your most important work and be proud of your accomplishments.  Too often, we check off boxes and move on to the next thing without patting ourselves on the shoulders.  This is so important and is something that most high-achievers struggle to do.

If you’re off track, ask yourself what got in the way and what you can do tomorrow to possibly avoid any reoccurrence.  I know life happens and things can get in the way sometimes, that’s reality.  Try to figure out how you might be able to get back on track.  This might be asking for help or delegating certain tasks.

When you take time to reflect on your day, it feels good to see that things are moving in the right direction.  Doing this at the end of your work day can also help clear your head so you can leave work behind and be more present when focusing on your personal life.

Implement an end-of-week reflection

Pick a day and take some time to reflect on how your week was.  I typically like to do this on Friday afternoons.  Ask yourself what went well.  How can you incorporate more of that moving forward?  Then check in on your goals.  Are you on track?  If you’re off track with what you set out to do, what adjustments might you need to make?

Once you’ve assessed how the week went, this would be the ideal time to plan for the week ahead so you can start the following week by hitting the ground running and focusing on what’s important.  

And always reward and recognize yourself for your hard work.  As mentioned, I recommend doing this daily, as well as, at the end of each week.  It feels good when we take time to reflect and see all the amazing things we did.  Don’t just move on to the next week without celebrating your successes.  This is what fuels us to keep going and be excited about our goals and the lives we are creating for ourselves.

Don’t be afraid to say no

Remember when you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else.  It’s perfectly ok to say no to something, I encourage it.  

If this is something you find difficult to do, one of the ways that you can respond is by saying.  Thank you for thinking of me for this event or I am honoured that you thought of me for this opportunity.  Unfortunately at this time, I’m going to have to say no as it does not align with my own goals.  You could also say that you simply don’t have the bandwidth right now.  I do however appreciate the offer or invite and it may be something I’d consider in the future.

So there you have it, these are some of the tips that work for me.  You certainly don’t have to use all of them but if I can emphasize what I think is the most important one, it’s to celebrate your wins and successes.  I know this is a struggle for most of you high-achievers and I want to help you implement this habit.  It’s where you’ll realize your potential and it will help fuel you to tackle the life you envision for yourself.

If you found value in this post, please share it with someone you know who is craving a little more structure to help them achieve their goals.

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