One Easy Tip to Help Keep You Motivated

1 February, 2023
One Easy Tip to Help Keep You Motivated

Today, I’m sharing something I’ve learned that is simple yet super impactful that helps me pull through when self-doubt and distractions come knocking at my door.

Do you ever feel like you need help showing up to get stuff done?

By help, I mean…
Finding the thing that keeps you going when times are tough.
Understanding what drives you to accomplish your dreams and projects.
Reminders for yourself that the goals you’re achieving matter.

Maybe you have no problem showing up and are successfully stepping into those shoes daily without reminders. If that’s the case, you’re my hero!

But if you’re like me and need the occasional kick in the butt to keep going, then stay with me and check out what I’ve learned.

The kick in the butt I’m referring to is MOTIVATION: the why behind our goals!

Setting up systems for ourselves is crucial to our success, and I want to share with you one easy tip that works for me, and I hope it can work for you too!

So let’s dive in…

Think for a moment about the person you want to be and how you want to show up in your life. How do you want to show up for your partner, family, kids, business, and most importantly, for yourself?

As you think about this, you could ask yourself, and I’ve listed a few to get you started.

Who do I want to be?
How do I want to act?
How do I want to feel?
What is something I could be proud of?
What impact do I want to have on others?

In identifying who that person is, try to summarize it into one word describing how you want to show up. I know. It’s not easy, but please try!

This word should speak to you. One that will help ground you. One that will help you set intentions, routines and boundaries for yourself. One that will help you perform at your best.

If you’re like, “what is Jill talking about?” I’m happy to share my example with you.

This year the word that speaks to me is Role Model, and here’s why.

Role model reminds me every day that I have two beautiful daughters who look up to me. Imagine watching a mother who has completely shifted her career, leaving an executive position to follow her passion, return to school and start a business at 44. I can just hear what they must have been saying; “oh my gosh, what’s up with mom?” Role model to me means that I’m demonstrating to my kids that they can go after whatever they desire and that it’s never too late to pivot!

I keep my word visible, and when I’m having a rough day or feel like giving up, I glance over at it and smile. Role model is my motivator in all that I do! It reminds me how I want to feel, act and set an example. It’s the why behind my goals!

Having this word can serve you when contemplating anything in your life.

You may ask yourself questions like:

“How would Role Model handle this situation?”

“Am I dreaming too big?” And then I’d tell myself, As a role model, I would never say to my daughters that they dream too big, so why would even I ask myself this question?

Sometimes I even get snarky with myself when I know I am off track and ask, “So, how’s that role model hat working for you today?” Which sparks a smirk followed by an eye-roll. An eye-roll that gets me back to work, of course!

The word you choose will likely change depending on the season of your life, so it’s valuable to take the time to reflect on whether the word is still serving you. I like to do this exercise annually. It sets the intention behind my goals and reminds me of how I want to show up for myself, my family and my business.

So what’s your word?

I challenge you to take some quiet time to reflect on this and test it out to see how it can work for you. This exercise should be simple, have meaning, and speak your truth.

Keep your word visible, so when the going gets tough or you feel off track, it will be staring right back at you, reminding you of the importance of what it is you’re trying to achieve and why.

Like me, you might be surprised how something so simple can have such a big impact!

I am hopeful that you found value in this post and that it can serve as a motivation boost when you might need it.

Please share this with someone who you think could benefit from this exercise.

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